Easy Fix for Small Business Owners Overwhelmed by ‘Experts’

choose AI - avoid plethora of expertsSmall business owners face a constant flood of new options to grow their businesses. But who has the time to run a business and chase every new trend?

The appeal of hiring a plethora of business experts—like sales consultants, conversion experts, copywriters, or funnel experts—may seem like the perfect solution. However, this belief is often misleading.

The Dangerously Narrow Focus of Specialists

According to Clutch, one-quarter of small businesses (26%) have hired a marketing consultant. In addition, 25% plan to hire one in the future​ (Clutch)​. This highlights there is a significant reliance on specialized consultants despite their narrow focus.

The world of business consultants is vast. And all these specialists promise great results in their specific areas.

The problem is that these specialists often have a narrow view. They fail to consider the broader context of your business beyond their area of focus. This narrow approach is like Maslow’s saying: “To the person who only has a hammer, every problem appears to be a nail.” Specialists see your business through a limited lens. They miss the big picture needed for comprehensive growth.

The Cycle of Dependency and Missed Opportunities

Hiring one specialist often means you need to hire yet another to address neglected areas. That’s because specialists do not offer complete solutions. This is no accident. It is deliberate. They design this cycle to keep you as ‘low hanging fruit,’ ready for repeated picking.

This cycle benefits the consultants more than your business. Their approach keeps you dependent, moving from one expert to another. Each time, they drain more of your resources without delivering the integrated growth you need.

In fact, there is one well known consultant/internet marketer who admits putting processes in place so clients never truly become self-sufficient nor independent. That makes me sick. Such behavior makes all of us look bad.

The Alternative: Comprehensive, AI-Driven Strategies

So, what’s the alternative? How can you avoid falling into this trap and still achieve remarkable growth for your small business?

  1. Buy either (or both) of my AI-Based Marketing Books: Yes this is a shameless plug. But truth be told, my AI marketing books are designed to empower you with done-by-yourself marketing strategies. These books are for you if you are the type of person who enjoys reading hundreds of pages of details and working out the steps on your own. The advantage here is, unlike human consultants, AI does not suffer from narrow-mindedness or self-interest. My books provide a comprehensive toolkit to help you address various aspects of marketing on your own using AI, ensuring that you see the big picture and make informed decisions without the bias of specialized consultants.
  2. Custom Marketing Action Planning Session: If you prefer personalized guidance, help may be available. From time to time I offer custom marketing action planning growth sessions. In this session, we outline an integrated strategy for growth based on my nine-step growth plan. This approach ensures that all top line marketing facets as well as relevant bottom line marketing efforts of your business are considered, providing a cohesive strategy tailored to your unique needs.

Take Control of Your Business’s Future

Stop letting specialized ‘experts’ dictate and limit your growth. Take control of your business’s future with AI-driven strategies that see the whole picture. Reach out today to discover how you can achieve sustainable growth without the pitfalls of narrow-focused consultants and without slogging through hundreds of pages. Let’s get there faster, together.