Money Is Not a Dirty Word. Stop Acting Like It Is

Money is not a dirty word

Let’s talk about “The M-word.” Yeah, you know the one. Money.

You want more free time? Money buys automation. Money lets you delegate. Money lets you stop grinding and start running an actual business instead of just a demanding job.

You want higher profit margins? Money allows you to reduce inefficiencies. The more cash flow you have the more leverage you get—better deals, smarter investments, and less waste.

You want a simpler, smoother operation? Money enables you to optimize. When you stop scrambling for every dollar you can actually build systems that make life easier, not harder.

You want to reduce effort? More Money gives you choices. You can hire, outsource, automate, or streamline so you don’t have to do everything.

99 Problems But Money Isn’t One of Them

It’s hilarious. Actually, no. It’s frustrating how so many business owners claim they want to grow but then get offended when the conversation shifts to Money. They’ll invest in leadership training, back-office processes, fancy new software, and personal coaching for the C-suite. They’ll pour time and energy into everything except the one thing that directly determines whether their business survives or thrives: making more Money.

But the moment I bring up sales, revenue growth, or marketing strategies that actually drive Money into their business, they shut down. Some get defensive. Others act like I just insulted their grandmother. And then there are the ones who look at me like I suggested we commit some unspeakable crime.

Stop Acting Like Money Is a Dirty Word

Guess what? Money isn’t dirty. It isn’t evil. It’s not something you have to whisper about in dark corners like some unspeakable secret. It’s the lifeblood of your business. Without Money your fancy new software doesn’t matter. Your leadership team won’t have a business to lead. Your employees? Gone. Your mission? Dead in the water.

Let’s get real. If your business isn’t making Money then all those “important” activities you’re so obsessed with are just expensive hobbies. I see it all the time—business owners hiding behind work that doesn’t actually move the needle because they don’t want to face the one metric that actually matters: how much Money is coming in.

“It’s Not About the Money”—But It Is

And before anyone starts the usual song and dance about “it’s not about the Money,” let’s be crystal clear: No one is saying Money is the only thing that matters. But if you’re in business Money is the game. It’s the scoreboard.

And yet, when I suggest revenue-generating strategies—improving sales, boosting referrals, branding, storytelling, social media content strategy, in-store events, online store expansion, paid ads, Facebook, Instagram, email and SMS marketing, PR, influencer partnerships, etc etc etc—business owners lose their minds.

They’d rather bury themselves in operations and leadership workshops than do the one thing that will keep their business alive: focus on making more Money.

Why Business Owners Resist Talking About Money

And yet despite all this, people resist. They convince themselves that growth means:

More work, more complexity, more stress.
Nope. Done right, scaling a business means the opposite—less manual work, fewer bottlenecks, and a structure that supports your goals instead of draining you.

They lack the infrastructure, staff, or systems to handle more business.
That’s exactly why more Money matters. It gives you the ability to build that infrastructure so your business runs better—not just bigger.

They fear new costs.
Fair. But the right investments return Money not just spend it. The problem isn’t cost—it’s spending on the wrong things.

They got burned before—bad advice, wasted Money, failed strategies.
I get it. But avoiding the conversation isn’t the solution. The solution is doing it right—focusing on sustainable, proven strategies, not wishful thinking.

They prefer stability over scaling.
That’s fine—until stability turns into stagnation. Even if you don’t want to grow for growth’s sake, inflation, competition, and market shifts mean that if you’re not growing, you’re falling behind.

They think they’re happy with their current revenue and lifestyle.
And maybe they are. But more Money isn’t just about more. It’s about options. Maybe it’s working less. Maybe it’s securing your family’s future. Maybe it’s making your business more resilient so you don’t have to stress about the next downturn.

Stop Running from the Word. Stop Running from the Opportunity.

If hearing the word Money makes you uncomfortable you should not have read this blog post because I used the word “Money” at least 27 times. If that upsets you you shouldn’t be in business. Period.

Money isn’t a dirty word. It’s the whole point. Get over it.

Want to Cut Through the Noise and Focus on Real Business Growth?

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