The Real Secrets Behind Building a $1+ Million Business

Millionaire maker? Me? Yes. Well, sort of. I’ve had the privilege of helping clients build exceptionally successful businesses across various markets and countries. But here’s the secret—it isn’t about me.


 Here’s what I noticed in these clients:

  • Firstly, they were open-minded and willing to accept direction.
  • Secondly, they took action on the marketing plans and recommendations provided.
  • Consistently tested and tracked their progress.
  • Were ready to adjust and adapt as their businesses grew.
  • Avoided the ‘shiny object’ syndrome so prevalent in business today and stuck to an integrated plan for growth.
  • Offered outstanding products or services—not subpar offerings.
  • Truly cared about their clients and customers. They weren’t in it just to make a quick buck but aimed to live and work with integrity.

I suspect every consultant and marketer who claims their clients’ success is solely because of their guidance is being disingenuous (aka lying). It isn’t about us. It’s about the client.

The Real Secret

So, truth be told, despite the success of my clients I do not claim to be a millionaire maker. The clients who achieved such success did so because of their dedication, hard work, and the qualities they brought to the table. They deserve the credit. I simply pointed the direction. They ran with it.

Honestly, I get goosebumps watching doers implement. It is freaking amazing to me. It’s like watching a master sculptor turn a block of marble into a breathtaking statue, with every chip revealing something extraordinary. I am in awe every time I see it. Clients who implement learn from me when I map out marketing strategies, tactics, and deliverables, and I learn from them too by watching them take massive action. It is dang impressive.

Lessons I Learned

Give the advice, provide direction, create marketing strategies where needed, and then get the heck out of the way. Winners will unleash a raging tornado of focused activity as they take action. That’s why I will not claim the credit for client success. I give credit where it is due—to the business owners, their staff, and coworkers who take massive action and who do not give up or get distracted by shiny objects or other things that don’t really matter or move the needle towards growing the business.

What is the point of all this?

Well, if the above qualities mirror what you see in yourself and you’re ready to take massive action towards growing your business too, request a strategy session or order one of my books on Amazon today. Or peruse my site to learn more about me here and here. Either way, you’ll better position yourself to achieve million or multi-million dollar success in your company, knowing the credit and control for your success belongs to you instead of choking on false claims from so called gurus claiming client success belongs to them.