How to Avoid the 99% of Useless AI Biz Tools and Find the Ones That Deliver

frustrated small business owner surrounded by mess of broken AI tools and gadgetsLet’s get one thing straight: most AI tools out there are absolute garbage. Yes, you heard me right.

Of the over 2000 AI tools being promoted out there for every aspect of personal and business use, a staggering 99% are nothing more than shiny objects designed to drain your wallet. And worst, waste precious time you can never earn back, all for the benefit of the publisher’s wallet, not yours. That’s the harsh reality of AI facing small businesses today.

The Small Business Dilemma

Recent studies show that the AI tool market is saturated with over 300 different AI tools designed for various business purposes​ (ClickUp)​. This highlights the challenge for small business owners in finding the right tools that genuinely offer value amidst a sea of options.

As a small business owner trying to grow your enterprise, you don’t have the luxury of time or money to experiment with every flashy AI tool that pops up on your radar. The market floods you with AI solutions that promise the moon but deliver little more than a handful of stardust that doesn’t move the needle one bit. This is unacceptable.

Why So Many AI Tools Are Not Worth The Code That Birthed Them

Why is this the case? Well, for starters, the barrier to entry for creating an AI tool is surprisingly low. Any developer with a basic understanding of machine learning can whip up an AI tool. And then slap a hefty price tag on it. The result is a market saturated with half-baked products that are not ready for prime time.

Another issue is the lack of transparency and accountability. Many AI tools operate as black boxes, giving you little to no insight into how they actually work or what data they’re using. This opacity makes it nearly impossible to evaluate their effectiveness or to troubleshoot when things inevitably go wrong.

Finding the 1% That Works

So, what’s a small business owner to do? How do you sift through the mountain of BS to find the 1% of AI tools that are actually worth your time and money?

First, look for tools with a proven track record. Testimonials and case studies can be helpful. But be wary of testimonials that seem too good to be true. Reach out to other business owners in your network and ask for their honest opinions and experiences. Peer recommendations are invaluable in cutting through the noise.

Demand Transparency

Second, demand transparency. The best AI tools will offer detailed explanations of how they work, what data they use, and how they’ve achieved their results. If a company is unwilling or unable to provide this information, move on.

Third, if you are determined to personally sift through the heap pile then at least prioritize the tools that offer a free functional trial or a money-back guarantee with a reasonable time frame for testing. This allows you to test the tool in your own environment and evaluate its impact without committing a significant amount of money upfront.

No Magic Bullet

Finally, remember that no AI tool is a magic bullet. Successful growth hacking requires a combination of the right tools, a solid strategy, and consistent effort. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that a single AI tool will solve all your problems overnight. ChatGPT comes close but it can’t handle expediting nor can it create graphics nor layout 100% error-free deliverables for every conceivable marketing path you might think of. But dang, it is close! Google’s Gemini AI Model (Formerly Bard) is nothing to sneeze at either. But neither on its own is the perfect solution. My book mentioned below explains why.

Avoiding the BS IRL

AI has the potential to be a game-changer for small businesses. But the reality is that most AI tools are just expensive distractions. By being skeptical, demanding transparency, and prioritizing proven tools you can avoid the 99% of BS and find the AI solutions that will truly help your business grow.

So, next time you’re pitched the latest and greatest AI tool, ask yourself: is this just another piece of BS, or is it part of the 1% that can actually make a difference? Your business (and your sanity) deserve the best, not the BS. If you’re ready to put AI to use and grow your business without the nonsense there is a better way. Check out my two-part AI-based business growth guides. I recommend starting with the digital exclusive for the most up-to-date content. The paperback is ideal for those who prefer a tangible book or need checklists and workbooks in physical form.